Photo of the primary animation and clean-up crew on Cecropia's animated game "The Act" . Orlando , FL , 2006. Most of us in this group had previously worked with one another at Disney's Orlando studio.
(click on image to see it larger)
back row (left to right): David Nethery, Dan Gracey , Greg Hill, Mike Brassell, Darko Cesar, Travis Rinehart, Russell Stoll, Craig Maras, Phillip Boyd, Dominic Avant, Janelle Bell-Martin, Omar Khudari.
middle row (left to right): Barry Temple, Chad Thompson (in front of Greg Hill), Ronnie Williford (in front of Mike Brassell), Ken Spirduso, John Pierro, Jason Peltz, Pete Raymundo , Teresa Quezada-Geer
front row standing (left to right): Ron Betta, Bethany Putnam, Jessica Milliner, Broose Johnson, Anthony Michaels, Miyul Lee, Eddie Pittman, Jackie Shadrake
front row sitting/kneeling: Merritt Andrews, Steven Geer, Sasha Dorogov, Bryan Sommer, Antony Defato.
(several key people from the Orlando staff are missing from this photo including Pamela Mathues, Kellie Lewis, Lisa Lanyon, and Sean Kane. )
Here is the opening day crew in 2004. The main office of
Cecropia was in Lexington, MA , but the animation facility was located in Orlando, FL.
back row (left to right): Sasha Dorogov, Anthony Defato, Barry Temple, Pamela Mathues, Dan Gracey, Chad Thompson, Tom Bancroft, Frank Digregorio
middle row standing (left to right): Jackie Shadrake, Pete Raymundo, Omar Khudari, Kellie Lewis, Lisa Lanyon, Dominic Avant, Ann Marie Bland,
middle row kneeling (left to right): Jason Peltz, Anthony Michaels, David Nethery.
front row kneeling (left to right): Leigh Ausiello, Rob Corley, Joe Calabresi , Steven Geer.
Many other people worked on this production , but this was the crew that did the bulk of the animation . The full crew is listed here:
The Act - Development Team . It was a great experience working on this innovative video game, the brainchild of Cecropia found Omar Khudari.