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March 25, 2009


Mark Mayerson

I was actually there that summer in the cgi program. That was the summer that Borge Ring came to visit the school.

David Nethery

Yes indeed ! What a great visit that was.

I went nuts over Anna & Bella when he showed us that . I learned a lot from him in the short time he was there .

Mark were you there at one of the gatherings in Kaj Pindal's back yard that summer with Borge Ring ? I may have met you then and didn't even realize it . There were several of those after hours gatherings ... Borge smoking his pipe and playing the guitar , waxing lyrical on animation and various other topics. What a magical time that was . A lot of people were coming in and out during those evenings at the Pindal's so I wonder if you were one of them ?

Mark Mayerson

I was not at Kaj's house that summer, much to my regret. I didn't get to Kaj's house until a couple of years ago.

The only time I saw Borge was during his visit to the campus.



I just wanted to say I admire you so so much!

your life is the dream I have always dreamed. You would never imagine how much I wanted to work as you do. Wish you all the best

David Nethery

Hi, Catarina,

Thanks for dropping by and for the kind words.

Were you at Sheridan ?

So, yeah, it's been a good life working in animation. I wish that "traditional animation" (hand-drawn) wasn't always constantly on the ropes , fighting for it's life , but other than that I'm still really happy to be doing this .

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