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June 13, 2009


Gerit V

I ordered these brochures in the 70's when I was a teenager, as well. How funny. I still look and them and viscerally recall all the possibilities swimming in my head.

David Nethery

Gerit ,

I know what you mean. These images awake very strong memories in me , which is why I posted them. I figured I was not the only one who would appreciate these images.

DR Bonzon

Funny you always wanted an oxberry, well, I still have one! Be glad you don't have to figure out how to move it! It still is a delight to use and I still greatly appreciate the craftsmanship that went into making one of these stands. Can you believe we are even using cells? It has hard to completely let go of the relic as it still works and I find more enjoyable to work with than the computer. After this final film we are doing, I plan to unload it and finally go completely digital.... maybe. Thanks for the post.

Teddy M

As cool as it looks, the Fax Jr. animation stand had problems with its platen. The thing would not evenly go down on cells, creating severe shadows. I shot on one and I know. Bluth also had problems in this regard. One solution involved putting extra layers of stuff under the background art to force a better glass seal. Thank God we don't have to deal with this sort of problem today.

David Nethery

Thanks for the insight on that Teddy.

Yeah, I never actually used one of the Fax stands , so I wasn't aware of that .

When you say "putting extra layers of stuff under the BG" do you mean like a foam pad or something like that ? Not that it matters anymore , but I'm just curious.

As you say, it is nice not to have to deal with things like cel shadows, limit of 5 cel levels, dust and scratches on cels, etc.

Hans Perk

In Europe, many studios used camera stands by the German company Crass. They designed their stands after having taken measurements at Disney, probably in the 50s, so their pegbars were the non-standard Disney pegs! While having been used to ACME pegs myself (having produced animation discs in Holland), I found that several studios in Denmark were still using these Disney pegs way up until the early 90s! The distance between top and bottom pegs of the Crass camera was 31 cm, which was the closest metric approximation to Disney's 12 5/16" (31.27375 cm). For more on Disney pegs and field sizes ee also http://www.skydebanen.net/~hp/perkdk/DisFieldsUS.htm

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Animators At Work

  • David Nethery- Disney Orlando 1996
    A photo album of animators at their animation desks. I'll add to this as I find new ones.

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