So, I've let this blog go unattended and un-updated for much too long.
I'm not deleting it, but I am going to archive all the older posts and post this announcement that The Inkling Chronicles is indefinitely on Hiatus. (along with the companion blog "You're a Gazelle" ... to be revived at some unspecifed time in the future , perhaps , maybe , who knows?)
As I am teaching animation now at The Academy of Art University I am currently more active on these blogs which are directed towards my students:
Main blog
secondary blogs - (my "TVPaint blog")
To keep the ol' Inkling Chronicles blog comments section free from spam-bots I'm turning off comments. If anyone stumbles across this blog and has a comment on one of the old archived posts please email me (dnethery - at - academyart - dot - edu ) and I'll try to answer your comment it if I think it needs a response.
Old archived Posts click HERE.